Spreadable Honey: Ginger + Tumeric, Kaua'i Nectar
Spreadable Honey: Ginger + Tumeric, Kaua'i Nectar
Adds spice and warmth with the complementary sweetness of honey to make your medicine your indulgence; Like extra potent, pure candied ginger. Get all the medicinal benefits of ginger and turmeric without the hassle of peeling, grating, and cleaning up.
Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. It has major benefits for every cell in your body and brain. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a strong antioxidant. Turmeric fights inflammation at the molecular level in every cell of the body. Turmeric also increases levels of essential brain hormones, which can prevent depression, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's disease, while improving memory and neuron genesis. Making you faster at recall and creative problem solving. It basically makes you smarter.
ADD TO: Smoothies, Banana bread, Coffee & tea, Yogurt, Lemonade, Pastries, Cocktails, PB&J, Hot Chocolate, your water bottle, Golden milk, Salad dressing